Computer Systems (formerly Network) Security [ KMI/BEPS ]

In the course, selected attacks on computer networks and mainly the methods of securing communication in the Internet computer network going from authentication methods over filtrationm firewall, tunelling, proxies and PKI architecture so far to selected encrypted and authentication protocols are examined.

The course begins with the introduction to the security of TCP/IP networks in general and the methods of network scanning including demonstration of various attacks. Examination of methods of (Internet) network securing going from authentication methods, over traffic filtration, address translation, firewall, tunnelling (IPsec), VPN and proxy, then the introduction to electronic certificates and PKI infrastructure, its application, and in the end of the course the selected encrypted and authentication protocols like eg. SSL/TLS, SSH, DNSSec, RADIUS or Kerberos are covered. In practices students first try to do some simple attack on non-secured (local) network and then they learn how to apply the methods of its securing and deploying secured protocols.

Prerequisities: Middle level knowledge of computer networks and operating systems in the extent of bachelor study. Knowledge of computer networks is verified by entrance written test in place of the first lecture or practice.


  1. Intro: Network security in general and in TCP/IP, attacks and defence, IDS/IPS.
  2. Asymetric cryptography: Introduction to symetric and asymetric cryptography, authentication and authorization.
  3. Security of network technologies: Ethernet and ARP attachs, PPP and authentication, Wi-Fi security.
  4. Security of TCP/IP: Filtration, address translation (NAT), firewall and DMZ.
  5. Security of TCP/IP: Tunneling, VPN, IPsec.
  6. Security of TCP/IP: Aplication proxies and gates, SOCKS.
  7. : Certificate, request and revocation, certification authority.
  8. Applications of PKI: Elektronic signature and data envelope, S/MIME.
  9. Encrypted protocols: SSL/TLS, SSH, DNSSec.
  10. Authentication protocols: RADIUS, LDAP, Kerberos.
