Unix-like systems [ KMI/UNIXS ]

The course introduces students with unix-like operating systems, their principles and specifics, gives an introduction to unix shell and basics of text processing.

In the first part, unix-like operating systems are introduced, with their user environments and systems of help, files and processes and students meet unix shell (primarily Bash) and basics of work in it. The second part of the course is devoted to the basics of text processing using essential software utilities bundled with unix-like operating systems and grep, sed and awk tools. Everything is intensively experienced in practices, with strong hands-on approach, in linux operating system and Bash shell, the lectures are supplementary.

Prerequisities: Basic knowledge and skills with operating systems on user level.


  1. Introduction of unix-like operating systems: Operating system, Unix, GNU, Linux, distribution.
  2. User environments, help: Graphical (desktop and basic applications), textual (terminal), command line and interpreter (shell), manual pages and shell help.
  3. Basic principles, system of files: Files and directories, commands and programs for working with them, file contents, symbolic links, (traditional unix) access rights, directory structure.
  4. System of processes, introduction to shell: Processes and their manipulation. Job control in shell, file and directory names expansion, aliases, program input and output, pipe.
  5. Text editing: editors Vi and Emacs: (Plain) text. Text editing (insert, delete, copy), searching and replacing, working with files. Further editors.
  6. Text processing: basic utilities and grep: GNU Textutils: cat, head, tail, wc, sort, cut, paste, diff, …. Regular expressions and grep.
  7. Text processing: stream editor sed – basics: Editation process, edit command, selected functions.
  8. Text processing: programming language awk – základy: Line field, pattern and action, variables, operators.
